A New Media Apostolate Dedicated to Bringing the Truth of the Catholic Faith to the World

First Fishermen Media began in 2022 through the friendship of it’s founders, Pete Demaio and Andrew Jacoby.
The men decided to create a podcast called “The Men for Life” show as a way of speaking to men, especially young men, about their responsibility to both protect the innocent unborn children being killed through the evil of abortion, as well as live the out the Church’s sexual teaching.From there the Holy Spirit inspired other show ideas and the concept of First Fishermen Media was born.First Fishermen Media is dedicated to created Catholic content that will inspire and teach the world that Christ and His Church are the answers that people have been looking for.Sadly, people are staying away from Church, so it is necessary to bring the Church’s message of hope and salvation to them where they are…online.This is how Andrew came to faith, through the work of Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire Ministry, and so First Fisherman will be laborers in the same field.Below is a list of our current shows. If you would like to be involved in any way please feel free to reach out on our contact form.May the Lord bless and keep you, and may the light of His love be known to all the world so that it may transform the darkness in their hearts.

The Men for Life Podcast
A podcast dedicated to teaching men (especially young men) that they have a responsibility to defend innocent unborn life and respect women by living out the Church’s teaching on sexuality.

The Dominican Option
This podcast is a recapitulation of the 13th century encounter had by St Dominic and the Albagensian where, after a long conversation at an inn, the Albagensian returned to the faith. This is how the Dominican order was founded and our podcast has a Dominican Friar in dialog with someone who has rejected the Catholic faith in an attempt to bring them back home.

The Called
This is a podcast where we hear vocation stories of religious from around the world. The goal is for us to get to know our religious better as well as to inspire more vocations to the Church.

The Culture of Life Podcast
This is a philosophical/theological podcast that is focused on the question of how do we bring about a culture of life in the areas of art and society at large.

From Kensington with Love
We will be hearing the stories of people who are living on the streets of Kensington. The goal will be to love these souls by listening to their stories.
May God’s grace and love fill the world and may our work go to glorify Him- Pete and Andrew